1. This explanatory notes provide background information on the Landscape Character Map of Hong Kong and descriptions on the Landscape Character Types shown on the map to assist an understanding of the map.
2. In 2005, Planning Department completed a study on Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong. The Landscape Character Map of Hong Kong is one of the outcomes of the study. On the map, Hong Kong is divided into different types of landscape according to differences in their character of the landscapes.
3. In general, a landscape is composed of, and given its character by, a number of natural and human features.
Features Contributing to the Character of a Landscape
Natural Features
Human Features
Solid GeologyTopography Built-form (Settlements) Drift Geology (i.e. soils) Land Use Natural Hydrological Features (e.g. streams, rivers, lakes) Transportation Features Vegetation Features of Heritage/Cultural value Coastal Water (i.e. sea) Artificial Hydrological Features (e.g. fish ponds, nullahs, reservoirs) 4. Based on these natural and human features, the landscape can be sorted into different types or units, each with a distinct, consistent and recognizable character. Two types of landscape units were identified i.e. Landscape Character Type (LCT) and Landscape Character Area (LCA):
LCT is a generic landscape which has a broadly similar pattern of landform, vegetation, land use and settlement pattern etc. in every area where it occurs. It is given a generic name describing its component parts, such as “Peak Landscape” or “Residential Urban Landscape.”
LCA is the individual geographic area of a LCT, which comprises most of the character of the LCT. It is given specific name which reflects its particular location, such as “Tai Mo Shan Peak” or “Shau Kei Wan South Residential Area”.
5. Landscapes of Hong Kong can be grouped into 6 broad LCTs:
Upland Countryside Landscape;
Lowland Countryside Landscape;
Rural Fringe Landscape;
Urban Fringe Landscape;
Urban Landscape; and
Coastal Waters Landscape.
6. These broad LCTs are further divided into 41 more refined LCTs to classify the full range of Hong Kong’s landscapes. Applying the LCT and LCA classifications to the landscapes across Hong Kong, 943 LCAs have been identified as shown on the Landscape Character Map of Hong Kong. Each LCA belongs to a particular LCT. The 41 LCTs with descriptions on their characteristics are provided in the attached appendix.on the Landscape Character Map of Hong Kong and descriptions on the Landscape Character Types shown on the map to assist an understanding of the map.
7. When interpreting the map, the following limitations should be aware of:
The map represents the outcomes of a comprehensive landscape survey conducted over the territory in 2004. Any subsequent changes on the landscapes have not been taken into account. However, the map will be regularly updated in the future.
Actual boundaries of landscapes do not change abruptly. When interpreting a LCT locally, caution has to be taken to examine its boundaries where appropriate such that the landscape classification is put into proper context.
8. Further details of the study and preparation of the Landscape Character Map of Hong Kong are available at Planning Department’s website at http://www.pland.gov.hk or the following Planning Enquiry Counters:
17/F, North Point Government Offices,
333 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong;
14/F, Sha Tin Government Offices,
1 Sheung Wo Che Road,
Sha Tin, New Territories.