Table 4.1 : Appraisal Method, Level of Appraisal, Criteria and Expression of Measurement 

Appraisal Method   

Level of Appraisal

Appraisal Criteria

Expression of Measurement

Landscape Character   LCT  Identify key landscape features which define basic landscape patterns 'Characteristic Landscape Features' (CLF)
Landscape Condition    LCA Identify intactness of basic pattern of CLFs Good/Moderate/Poor
Landscape Sensitivity    LCT Would inclusion of a given development type in this landscape represent a feature of a totally new kind, scale or character? Yes/No (Uncharacteristic Development)
Landscape Value      

Value as Natural Resource  

LCA Does LCA contain natural/ecological:
  •  features recognised as being of global importance?
  • features designated under HKSAR Ordinance?
  • features recognised by technical literature as being of important? 



             } High/ 

             } Medium/ 

             } Low 


Value as Locale  LCA
  • what is condition of landscape (see above)?
  • which unique or distinctive features add to sense of place or local distinctiveness?


             } High/ 

Record   } Medium/ 

             } Low             

Value as Heritage  LCA  Does LCA contain historic or cultural features or associations:
  • designated under HKSAR ordinance?
  • recognised villages?
  • recognised fung shui interests? 
  • recognised by published literature? 



             } High/ 

             } Medium/ 

             } Low 



Value as Scenic Resource LCA 
  • Relief
  • Presence of water
  • Visual complexity
  • Visual coherence
  • Key view within LCA 
  • Key visual barriers Record
  • Key visual features (+ve) Record
  • Visual detractors (-ve) Record 



             } High/ 

             } Medium/ 

 Record  } Low 

 Record  } 

 Record  } 

 Record  }



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