Agenda 21 A term now commonly used to refer to all sustainability issues, it derives from the UN Conference on Environment and Development (the "Earth Summit") held in Rio in 1992, where the 21st item to be discussed was a set of guidelines, based around 27 basic principles, to assist countries in developing frameworks and approaches to sustainable development. Since it was designed to be applicable to countries throughout the world, the Agenda 21 document is inevitably very broad in its coverage, and is commonly 'customised' to suit a country or region's particular circumstances, giving rise to the sub-term "Local Agenda 21".
Aggregation The process of dealing with the different landscape elements in a given area in a combined manner, resulting in a landscape character area or landscape character type.
Attribute The different classes within a landscape parameter. For example, 'woodland', 'scrub', 'grassland' are attributes within the 'Vegetation'parameter.
Dis-aggregation  The process of dealing with different landscape elements in a given area as separate elements rather than as a landscape character area or landscape character type.
Elements Individual components which make up the landscape (e.g. soils, woodland, roads, buildings)
Features Particularly prominent or eye-catching elements in the landscape.
Landscape The aggregate effect on an observer, produced by the natural and man-made features on land. It is defined by natural features (such as geology, soils, hydrologic features and vegetation); by human features (such as land-use, buildings, roads, etc) and by its cultural associations.
Landscape Appraisal  The process of appraising a particular landscape, landscape type or landscape feature, by reference to specified criteria.
Landscape Assessment A general term for the process whereby landscape is described, classified and evaluated.
Landscape Character A distinct pattern or combination of elements that occurs consistently in a particular landscape.
Landscape Characterisation  An umbrella term for landscape classification and description
Landscape Character Area The individual geographic areas in which there may be a number of LCTs, combining to create a distinctive pattern. They may share the characteristics of other areas of similar type but have their own particular identity. LCAs may be defined at a strategic or broad level (SLCAs) or at a detailed or local level (LLCAs).
Landscape Character Type Generic areas of landscape which have a broadly similar patterns of landform, vegetation, land use and urban settlement in every area where they occur.
Landscape Character Unit The smallest individual geographic unit with its own distinctive landscape character: a specific geographic manifestation of an LCT.
Landscape Classification The process whereby the landscape is sorted into different types or units each with a distinct, consistent and recognisable character.
Landscape Condition  The index of the integrity or intactness of the basic pattern of landscape features, which constitute the landscape character of that type.
Landscape Description The process of collecting and presenting information about the landscape in a systematic manner.
Landscape Evaluation The process of attaching a value to a particular landscape, landscape type or landscape feature, by reference to specified criteria.
Landscape Sensitivity Tolerance of change. Sensitivity is not absolute, but varies according to the type of landscape being considered.
Landscape Quality The condition of landscape. Its state of repair or integrity.
Landscape Value  The reasons why a landscape is considered to be important.
Maritime Landscape The terrestrial landscape (see above) of the coast next to the sea, but also including the area of adjacent sea. It also includes offshore islands and island groups.
Parameter Aspects of landscape, which influence its character, such as soils, topography and vegetation. Parameters are mapped and taken into consideration during the process of landscape classification.
Resources See 'Elements' above.
Urban Landscape The aggregate effect on an observer, produced by the natural and man-made features in a built-up area. It is defined to certain extent by natural features (such as topography and vegetation) but often to a greater extent by human features (such as buildings, roads, etc) and by its cultural associations.

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