Table 4.1 : Hierarchical Classification of Hong Kong's Landscape into Landscape Character Types at Different Scales





Countryside - R Upland Countryside - Rh Upland Peak - Rh(k) Grassy hills and peaks - Rh(k)1

Scrub-covered hills and peaks - Rh(k)2

Wooded uplands and peaks - Rh(k)3

Badland - Rh(k)4

Boulder field - Rh(k)5

Former upland agriculture - Rh(k)6
Countryside - R Upland Countryside - Rh Upland Valley - Rh(a) Upland valley - Rh(a)1
Countryside - R Lowland Countryside - Rl Lowland Plains - Rl(p) Plains and isolated hills - Rl(p)1

Coastal plain farmland - Rl(p)2

Coastal plain farmland with other uses - Rl(p)3

Fish ponds - Rl(p)4
Countryside - R Lowland Countryside - Rl Lowland Valley - Rl(a) Valley floor farmland - Rl(a)1

Valley floor farmland with other uses - Rl(a)2
Development - D Urban Landscapes - Du Commercial Urban Landscapes - Du(c) High-rise commercial urban landscape - Du(c)1

Medium-rise commercial urban landscape - Du(c)2

Retail mall - Du(c)3
Development - D Urban Landscapes - Du Institutional Urban Landscapes - Du(x) Historic institutional urban landscape - Du(x)1
Development - D Urban Landscapes - Du Residential Urban Landscapes - Du(r) High-rise housing estate - Du(r)1

Intermittent high-rise residential urban landscape - Du(r)2

Low-rise residential urban landscape - Du(r)3
Development - D Urban Landscapes - Du Mixed Urban Landscapes - Du(m) Low-density mixed urban landscape - Du(m)1

High-density mixed urban landscape - Du(m)2

Historic mixed urban landscape - Du(m)3

Reclaimed mixed urban landscape - Du(m)4
Development - D Urban Landscapes - Du Park Urban Landscapes - Du(o) Urban park - Du(o)1
Development - D Urban Landscapes - Du Industrial Urban Landscapes - Du(i) Warehousing and factories - Du(i)1

Industrial estate - Du(i)2
Development - D Urban Landscapes - Du Urban Waterfront Landscapes - Du(w) Institutional/commercial waterfront - Du(w)1

High-rise waterfront housing - Du(w)2

Docklands/container terminal - Du(w)3

Waterfront park - Du(w)4

Marina - Du(w)5

Typhoon shelter - Du(w)6

Undeveloped and ongoing reclamation  - Du(w)7

Development - D

Urban Fringe Landscapes - Df

Residential Urban Fringe Landscapes - Df(r)

Low-rise residential suburb -Df(r)1

Low-rise suburban housing estates -Df(r)1

Development - D

Urban Fringe Landscapes - Df

Mixed Urban Fringe Landscapes - Df(m) Mixed urban fringe landscape - Df(m)1

Development - D

Urban Fringe Landscapes - Df

Institutional Urban Fringe Landscapes - Df(x) Institutional in vegetated settings - Df(x)23

Cemetery - Df(x)3

Development - D

Urban Fringe Landscapes - Df

Waterfront Urban Fringe Landscapes - Df(w)
Airport - Df(w)1
Development - D

Rural Fringe Landscapes - Dg

Residential Rural Fringe Landscapes - Dg(r)

Scattered developments and countryside - Dg(r)1

Resort-type development - Dg(r)2

Development - D

Rural Fringe Landscapes - Dg

Village Landscapes - Dg(v)

Consolidated village - Dg(v)1

Expanded village - Dg(v)2

Historic  villages and environs - Dg(v)3

Walled village - Dg(v)4

Squatter settlement - Dg(v)5

Development - D

Rural Fringe Landscapes - Dg

Waterfront Rural Fringe Landscapes - Dg(w)

Power Station - Dg(w)1

Ash lagoon - Dg(w)2

Development - D

Rural Fringe Landscapes - Dg

Miscellaneous Rural Fringe Landscapes - Dg(y)

Quarry - Dg(y)1

Landfill - Dg(y)2

Military Camp - Dg(y)3

Golf Course - Dg(y)4

Reservoir - Dg(y)5

Coast - C Natural Coastlines - Cn

Inter-tidal Coastlines - Cn(t)

Salt marsh - Cn(t)1

Mud flat - Cn(t)2

Mangrove - Cn(t)3

Gei wai - Cn(t)4
Coast - C Natural Coastlines - Cn Islands - Cn(d) Rocky islands - Cn(d)1

Isolated islands group - Cn(d)2
Coast - C Natural Coastlines - Cn Natural Shorelines - Cn(s) Cliff - Cn(s)1

Rocky shorelines - Cn(s)2

Beach - Cn(s)3

Coast - C Coastal Waters - Cw Urban Coastal Waters - Cw(u) Urban harbour - Cw(u)1
Coast - C Coastal Waters - Cw Maritime Offshore Waters - Cw(q) Anchorage - Cw(q)1

Shipping lane - Cw(q)2
Coast - C Coastal Waters - Cw Other Coastal Waters - Cw(y) Tranquill coastal waters - Cw(y)1


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