Table 2.2 : Wailketere City Study - Description of Catchments

Catchments / 
Sub Catchments


Landscape Types
(Appendix 1)


  • Broad written description of the character of each landscape type: its main physical features, level of development, visual and recreational attributes, etc

  • Identification of key issue related to each type, e.g. forest clearance, habitat protection, earthworks management, design and scales development

  • Statement of core management goal, e.g. "to maintain and enhance the valuable forest resource whilst allowing sustainable and sympathetic development in limited locations"

  • Identification of key objectives: e.g. to minimise bush clearance, to eliminate grazing and browsing, to minimise the adverse effects of earthworks, to control run-off and effluent disposal, to enhance habitat values

Policy Area
(Appendix 2)

Mapped / Photographed

  • Written description of main character and values

  • Identification of local issues: e.g. Protection and management of hazard prone and sensitive areas, protection of significant ecosystems and wildlife habitats, provision of recreational opportunities and facilities, potential wind erosion of slopes following removal of plantation planting.

  • Development of related Objectives & Policies for  landscape management

Landscape Element
(Appendix 4)

Mapped / Photographed

  • Identification Objectives & Policies for  landscape management of each element

Outstanding Natural Features & Landscapes


  • Brief written description 

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