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Glossary of terms
Attribute The specific types of landscape feature into which landscape parameters (see below) are broken down for the purposes of GIS mapping. For example, the landscape parameter 'Vegetation', may contain numerous attributes, including e.g. 'secondary woodland','fung shui woodland','scrub','grassland', etc.
Elements Individual components which make up the landscape (e.g. soils, woodland, roads, buildings)
Features Particularly prominent or eye-catching elements in the landscape.
Landscape The aggregate effect on an observer, produced by the natural and man-made features on land. It is defined by natural features (such as geology, soils, hydrologic features and vegetation); by human features (such as land-use, buildings, roads, etc) and by its cultural associations.
Landscape Assessment A general term for the process whereby landscape is described, classified and evaluated.
Landscape Character A distinct pattern or combination of elements that occurs consistently in a particular landscape.
Landscape Character Area The individual geographic areas in which there may be a number of LCTs, combining to create a distinctive pattern. They may share the characteristics of other areas of similar type but have their own particular identity. LCAs may be defined at a strategic or broad level (SLCAs) or at a detailed or local level (LLCAs).
Landscape Character Type Generic areas of landscape which have a broadly similar patterns of landform, vegetation, land use and urban settlement in every area where they occur.
Landscape Classification The process whereby the landscape is sorted into different types or units each with a distinct, consistent and recognisable character.
Landscape Description The process of collecting and presenting information about the landscape in a systematic manner.
Landscape Evaluation The process of attaching a value to a particular landscape, landscape type or landscape feature, by reference to specified criteria.
Maritime Landscape The terrestrial landscape (see above) of the coast next to the sea, but also including the area of adjacent sea. It also includes offshore islands and island groups.
Parameter A feature of landscape, which (amongst others) acts as a fundamental influence on its character and which is mapped and considered during the process of landscape classification (e.g. soil, topography, vegetation)
Resources See 'Elements' above.
Urban Landscape The aggregate effect on an observer, produced by the natural and man-made features in a built-up area. It is defined to certain extent by natural features (such as topography and vegetation) but often to a greater extent by human features (such as buildings, roads, etc) and by its cultural associations.

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