Conclusion & Ways Forward

5.1           INTRODUCTION

5.1.1         In summary, Technical Report No.1 has addressed the following tasks set out in Task 2:

    5.1.2         In addition, 6 overseas case studies undertaken as part of Task 1 have been presented in this report.

5.2            WAY FORWARD

5.2.1         The Study process as a whole is an iterative one and the findings of this Report will be subject to review during Task 3 and beyond. Task 3 will address the following issues:

 5.2.2         In particular, the following items addressed in the Inception Report will be subject to further review as part of Task 2.

                KEY ISSUES

5.2.3         Further key issues will arise as a result of Task 3. Other key issues may arise as a result of the Value Management Workshop and as a result of the Public Consultation Process.


5.2.4         As a result of the refinement of key issues, it may be necessary to refine and amend the preliminary approach to classification identified in this report. In particular, both the initial identification of LCTs and LCAs are likely to be revised as an ongoing process throughout the next phases of the Study.

                STUDY PROGRAMME

5.2.5         As further key issues arise, it may be necessary to review and refine the Study Programme in order to meet changing project requirements and constraints. It is therefore suggested that flexible and responsive approach to internal programming is adopted, whilst maintaining the final Study deadlines.


5.3.1         Shortly after submission of Technical Report 1, a one-day Value Management Workshop (VMW) will be held attended by the Consultants and all key stakeholders from Government. The objective of the VMW is to bring Government and Consultant together to draw rapidly upon the expertise of local Consultants, international experts and Government officers in order to identify key issues and ways in which the Study can be taken forward.

5.3.2         In particular, the Consultants will give presentations as identified in Table 5.1.

5.3.3         These presentations will be accompanied by discussions, functional analysis and ideas generation Workshops with the objective of producing:


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