1. Countryside Commission and English Nature (1996) The Character of England - Landscape, Wildlife and Natural Features (leaflet and map) CCX 41, Countryside Commission, Cheltenham.  [back]

  2. Countryside Commission and Countryside Agency (1998-1999) Countryside Character Regional Volumes, Countryside Agency, Cheltenham.  [back]

  3. Entec UK Ltd et al (2001) National Countryside Character Decision-Support Database Technical Report Final Draft, unpublished report to the Countryside Agency. [back]

  4. The Countryside Agency uses the terms landscape character and countryside character synonymously. Both are deemed to embrace not only the appearance of the land but its natural, historical and cultural characteristics. [back]

  5. Countryside Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage Interim Landscape Character Assessment Guidance 1999. This will be replaced by final Landscape Character Assessment Guidance to be published in January 2002. [back]

  6. Now subsumed within DEFRA. [back]

  7. The expanded approach is called the quality of life capital approach. Further details can be found on the website www.qualityoflifecapital.org.uk . [back]

  8. The Countryside Agency envisages that evaluation will be undertaken by working groups of stakeholders at regional level and will focus on identifying targets for change in landscape attributes.  [back]

  9. It will be a key part of the Countryside Agency's annual state of the countryside reporting system. See Countryside Agency (2001) The State of the Countryside 2001, CA61, Countryside Agency, Cheltenham.  [back]

  10. Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions and Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (2000) Our Countryside: The Future, CM 4909, The Stationery Office, London.  [back]

  11. The forthcoming Landscape Character Assessment Guidance and the Countryside Character Network provide excellent sources of further information on landscape character assessment and its applications at local authority level in England. Study of these sources may also yield important information for Hong Kong.  [back]

  12. Countryside Council for Wales (2001) The LANDMAP Information System, Countryside Council for Wales, Bangor.  [back]

  13. See www.ecocleveland.org/cbrplan for further details.  [back]