Appendix 6 Bibliography

Brush, R.O. and Shafer, E.L. (1975) Application of a Landscape-Preference Model to Land Management. In Zube, EH, Brush RO, Fabos, JG (ed.) (1975) Landscape Assessment: Values, Perceptions and Resources, Halsted Press, Stroudsburg.

Clay, G. (1994) Real Places: An Unconventional Guide to America's Generic Landscape, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.

Countryside Agency and Scottish Natural Heritage (1999) Interim Landscape Character Assessment Guidance, UK Countryside Agency, Cheltenham

Countryside Commission (1987) Landscape Assessment : A Countryside Commission Approach, UK Countryside Commission, Cheltenham

Countryside Commission (1991) Assessment and Conservation of Landscape Character: The Warwickshire Landscapes Project Approach, UK Countryside Commission, Cheltenham

Countryside Commission (1993) Landscape Assessment Guidance, UK Countryside Commission, Cheltenham

Countryside Commission for Scotland (1992) Landscape Assessment: Principles and Practice, Countryside Commission for Scotland, Battleby, Perth

Department of the Environment and Local Government, Government of the Republic of Ireland (2000) Landscape and Landscape Assessment, Government of the Republic of Ireland, Dublin

Fabos, G.J. (1979) Planning the Total Landscape: A Guide to Intelligent Land Use, Westview Press, Boulder

Hackett, B (1971) Landscape Planning, An Introduction to Theory and Practice, Oriel Pres, Newcastle On Tyne

Harvey, D (1989) The Urban Experience, Basil Blackwell, Oxford

Hill, M, Briggs, J, Minto, P, Bagnall, D, Foley, K, Williams, A (2001) Guide to Best Practice in Seascape Assessment, Maritime Institute, Dublin

Hoskins, W.G. (1955) The Making of the English Landscape, Hodder and Stoughton Ltd, London

Jackman, T (1986) Our National Landscapes: Strategies for Survival in Use, In Health and in Beauty, Sciences Information Publishing Centre, Wellington. 

Kaplan, R., S. Kaplan and T. Brown (1989), Environmental Preference: A Comparison of Four Domains of Predictors, Environment and Behavior, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 509-530.

Lynch, K (1960) The Image of the City, MIT Harvard University Press, Cambridge Mass. 

McHarg, I. (1969) Design with Nature, Natural History Press, New York

Napitupulu, R. (2001) The Geographic Information DSystem (GIS) Approach in Landscape Planning to Determine the National Zoning Management System in International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA) (2001) Asian Places in the New Millennium - Conference Proceedings of the 38th IFLA World Congress Singapore 2001.

National Rivers Authority (1993) River Landscape Assessment: Methods and Procedures, Conservation Technical Handbook No.2, National Rivers Authority, Bristol

Pugh, S. (1988) Garden, Nature, Language, Manchester University Press, Manchester

Schama, S. (1995) Landscape and Memory, A.A. Knopf, New York

Wherrett, J (1996) Landscape Evaluation, Land Use Division, Macauley Land Use Research Institute (Scotland).

Zube, EH, Brush RO, Fabos, JG (ed.) (1975) Landscape Assessment: Values, Perceptions and Resources, Halsted Press, Stroudsburg.

Zube, E.H., Pitt, D.G. and Anderson, T.W. Perception and Prediction of Scenic Resource Values of the Northeast, in Zube, EH, Brush RO, Fabos, JG (ed.) (1975) Landscape Assessment: Values, Perceptions and Resources, Halsted Press, Stroudsburg.



The following Government studies demonstrate a thorough approach to the development of lists of landscape parameters. 

Planning and Development Studies

Planning and Development Study on North East New Territories (ongoing)

Planning and Development Study in Hong Kong Island South and Lamma Island (ongoing)     

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