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Appendix 4 Waitakere City Landscape Elements - Sample Descriptions


               5.2.1              NATURAL CHARACTER


Protection of the natural character recognising that visually sensitive components such as skyline, natural edge, natural landform and landscape patterns should be protected and reinforced.


  1. By restricting the scale, density and skyline effects of development on headlands so as to maintain their natural landform characteristics.

  1. By preventing earthworks which will have an adverse visual effect on the natural landform of headlands.

  1. By protecting in their natural state, the characteristic components of headland land forms (ie cliffs, escarpment, rocks, remnant native vegetation).

  1.  By encouraging planting which reinforces the natural pattern of headland land forms.

  1. By restricting the installation of aerial utilities and service corridors on headlands.

               5.2.2              Public Access


Promotion and encouragement of controlled public recreational access.


By promoting, where appropriate, sensitive access to headland vantage points for public views.

               5.2.3              Visual Corridors


To protect the visual environment around the headland as a component of the public view.


By protecting visual corridors between public view points and headlands.

               5.2.4              Subdivision


To recognise and protect the natural landscape and character of the headland when considering subdivision.

  1. Where sub-division is to occur in conjunction with any Landscape Element, the following should apply:

  • Retain the natural landform characteristics of the site and protect significant land forms in their natural state.

  • Encourage and promote clustering of buildings to maintain a high proportion of open space and to minimise adverse visual effects.

  • Encourage and promote buildings of an appropriate scale and density that respond to the landform characteristics.

  • In areas without a landform backdrop (i.e. headlands, cliff tops, ridge tops and hilltops) encourage and promote appropriate building forms that minimise adverse effects on the skyline and reflect the natural landform characteristics.

  • Encourage and promote the use of colour schemes that reflect the natural colours of the landscape.

  • Encourage and promote the integration of development through the use of appropriate native plant species planted in sympathy with landform characteristics.

  • Give priority to the retention of public open space at, and public access to, the coastal edge and prominent Landscape Elements to maintain amenity values.

  • Unless otherwise impractical, esplanade reserves and/or strips should be taken when land is sub-divided along the coastal edge.

  • Where esplanade reserves and/or strips are not taken, ensure the natural character of the coastal edge is maintained by other mechanisms.

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