4 Study Management and Staffing


4.1.1    The core study management team comprises Alexander Duggie - Project Director, David Morkel - Project Manager and Chris Hoar - GIS Manager. 

4.1.2    A Technical Review Panel comprising Alexander Duggie, David Morkel, Matthew Pryor, Alan Macdonald and Steve Laister will meet at intervals during the consultancy to discuss and ratify the interim recommendations of the study with regard to the selection of landscape classification criteria, landscape evaluative criteria, field survey methodology and a single and representative indicator for incorporation in the sustainability evaluation process.

4.1.3    The Staff Organisation Chart is presented in figure 10 in Appendix II. The responsibilities of key staff identified in the Chart are described below. 




 Alexander M Duggie, BSc(Hons), BPhil, MLI, HKILA, RLA - Project Director, Technical Review Panel Member

4.2.1    Sandy has overall responsibility for the project, ensuring that the deliverables are produced on time and to the required quality standards. He is the point of contact with the Client's representative and will deal with all matters concerning the Consultancy Agreement and Sub-consultancy Agreements. He is responsible for the overall planning and resource management of the project, ensuring that the proper channels are set up and maintained for the efficient flow of information amongst the consultant team and between the team and the Client. In addition, he is chairman of the Technical Review Panel that reviews the landscape categories and classification criteria in task 2 and landscape evaluative criteria in task 3, leading to selection of one single representative indicator for use in CASET. He will monitor all correspondence on the project to ensure that strategic management is exercised. He will have continuous part-time input during the entire project.

David Morkel, MLD, BLD (1st), MCD, LLB, MLI - Project Manager, Technical Review Panel Member

4.2.2    David is responsible for the day to day management of the project, ensuring the flow of information between consultants is smooth and that the programme is adhered to and deliverables from all consultants are produced to the requisite standards. He will supervise the preparation of all deliverables, including inputs from the sub-consultants and ensure that these are made on time. He will organise and manage the Value Management Workshops attended by all project stakeholders. He will programme and co-ordinate the work of each survey team and accompany each survey team on an occasional basis as quality control. He will supervise and direct the production of all landscape character maps. He will also be a member of the Technical Review Panel that reviews the landscape categories and classification criteria in task 2 and landscape evaluative criteria in task 3, leading to selection of one single representative indicator for use in CASET. He will be full time on the project in the initial stages up to the First Stage Public Consultation, and thereafter will provide substantial part- time input to the project. 

 Matthew Pryor, BA(Hons), MLI, HKILA, - Quality Assurance Manager, Technical Review Panel Member

4.2.3    Matthew will undertake the quality assurance auditing of the project. He will also be a member of the Technical Review Panel that reviews the landscape categories and classification criteria in task 2 and landscape evaluative criteria in task 3, leading to selection of one single representative indicator for use in CASET. 

Iris Hoi, BLA, HKILA, - Public Consultation Specialist

4.2.4    Iris will support and assist David in the public consultation aspects of the project. She will make bi-lingual presentations to the District Boards, Heung Yee Kuk and Rural Committees as required and will supervise the production of all associated bi-lingual presentation materials.

Julie Martin, BA(Hons), MA, MLI, MRTPI, MIEEM - International Landscape Specialist

4.2.5    Julie will provide expert input to the initial stages of the project. She will prepare 3 international case studies in task 1; provide guidance in the development of initial landscape categories and classification criteria in task 2, and provide guidance in developing the landscape evaluative criteria in task 3. She will also help to ensure that the field surveys are designed correctly.

Stephen K Brown, BTP, DipLA, NZILA, AffNZPI - International Landscape Specialist

4.2.6    Stephen will provide expert input to the initial stages of the project. He will prepare 2 international case studies in task 1; provide guidance in the development of initial landscape categories and classification criteria in task 2, and provide guidance in developing the landscape evaluative criteria in task 3. 

Stephen Ng, BA, MLs - Cultural Heritage Specialist

4.2.7    Stephen will provide expert input throughout the project on any matters relating to Cultural and Heritage issues, and will be responsible for liasing directly with the Antiquities and Monuments Office.

Timothy Osborne, BSc, MPhil, MLI, - Landscape Architect - Survey and Evaluation

4.2.8    Tim will lead the first landscape field survey team and will undertake both the Pilot Survey and the main Field Survey. In the Pilot Survey he will work together with the second survey team led by Polly Snaith. Tim will be responsible for the site verification of landscape character types and landscape character areas. He will be assisted in this by an assistant landscape architect. He will be full-time during the Field Survey. 

Polly Snaith, BA(Hons) MLI - Landscape Architect - Survey and Evaluation

4.2.9    Polly will lead the second landscape field survey team and will undertake both the Pilot Survey and the main Field Survey. In the Pilot Survey she will work together with the first Survey team led by Tim Osborne. Polly will be responsible for the site verification of landscape character types and landscape character areas. She will be assisted in this by an assistant landscape architect. She will be full-time during the Field Survey.

Jacky Lam Tuen Shun, - Project CAD and IT Manager 

4.2.10  Jacky is responsible for setting up the project CAD/IT system and protocols for the preparation and transmission of electronic information to PlanD requirements. He will liaise directly with PlanD and the GIS team to establish and agree suitable protocols for information transfer. He will supervise the Landscape and CAD technicians in the landscape team. 

Ho Fong, - Senior Graphic Designer 

4.2.11  Ho will supervise the graphic production for the project reports and deliverables, in particular the various public consultation materials, ensuring all presentation materials are of top quality and satisfy Client requirements. 


Steve Laister, BSc (Hons) - GIS Director, SUSDEV21 Advisor, Technical Review Panel Member

4.2.12  Steve has overall responsibility for ERM's inputs to the projects and will ensure that all ERM inputs are produced on time and to the required quality. He will direct the GIS work-stream. He will also be part of the Technical Review Panel and will provide a critical contribution to the creation of a list of possible landscape indicators and recommend one for use in CASET, drawing on his key experience as Project Manager for the SUSDEV21 study.

Chris Hoar, BSc - GIS Manager

4.2.13  Chris is responsible for managing GIS inputs on a day to day basis, developing GIS analysis methodologies, database design, and co-ordination of all GIS aspects of the project. He will provide substantial part-time input during key stages of the study.

Sharon Leung, MPhil (GIS), BA (Hons), - GIS Data Co-ordinator

4.2.14  Sharon will be responsible, under the supervision of Mr Hoar, for conducting the majority of GIS data processing, providing technical support during field surveys, database maintenance functions and input and validation of data collected. She will provide substantial part-time input during key stages of the study related to GIS work.           

 Wendy Wong, BSc - GIS Analyst

4.2.15  Wendy will be responsible under Ms Leung's supervision for much of the data input and map production throughout the project. She will provide substantial part-time input during key stage of the study related to GIS work.

 Ernest Yip Kin Man, - GIS Technician

4.2.16  Ernest will undertake the scanning and digitisation of information for conversion to the GIS database.

Town Planning

Alan Macdonald, BA, MA, RPP - Town Planning Director, Technical Review Panel Member

4.2.17  Alan will direct the urban planning inputs to the project, particularly during the initial stages of the project, up to the desk-top scoping in task 5. He will also be a member of the Technical Review Panel that develops the landscape categories and classification criteria in task 2 and landscape evaluative criteria in task 3, leading to selection of one single representative indicator for use in CASET.

Michelle Wong Wai Yee, BA, MA, RPP - Town Planner

4.2.18  Michele will assist Alan in the preparation of the urban planning inputs at all stages of the project.

Ecology / Forestry

Gary Grant, BSc (Hons), - Ecology / Forestry Specialist 

4.2.19  Gary will provide expert input throughout the project on any matters relating to ecology and forestry issues. He will provide occasional input as required during the entire study.


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