Breakfast Group
Chinese University of Hong Kong (Department of Architecture and Department of Geography and Resource Management)
Citizen Party
Civic Exchange
Conservancy Association
Cultural and Heritage Commission
Democratic Alliance for Betterment
Democratic Party
District Councils (all 18 districts)
Environmental Campaign Committee
Friends of the Earth
Green Lantau Association
Green Power
Heung Yee Kuk
Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and Peoples' Livelihood
Hong Kong Baptist University (Department of Geography)
Hong Kong Business Coalition on the Environment
Hong Kong Civic Design Association
Hong Kong Conservation Photography Foundation
Hong Kong Federation of Trade
Hong Kong GIS Association
Hong Kong Hiking Association
Hong Kong Institute of Architects
Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment
Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects
Hong Kong Institute of Planners
Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors
Hong Kong Natural History Society
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Construction and Land Use
Hong Kong Progressive Alliance
Hong Kong Tourism Board
The University of Hong Kong (CUPEM, Department of Architecture and Department of Geography)
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Institute of Environmental and Sustainable Development
Kadoorie Farm
Liberal Party
New Century Forum
Private Sector Committee on the Environment
Real Estate Developers Association
Urban Renewal Authority
Urban Watch
Vision 2047 Foundation
Wetland Advisory Committee
World Wide Fund