- A person not eligible to make an application for amendment of plan under s.12A of the Town Planning Ordinance (the Ordinance) may submit a rezoning proposal to the Planning Department (PlanD) for consideration. The proposal, including its location, proposed zoning and key development parameters (if available) will be made known to the public on this webpage when it is received by PlanD. The information and documents provided by the proponent will be used by PlanD and Government departments for the purpose of considering the rezoning proposal, and will not be disclosed to any third party unless with the consent of the proponent. The rezoning proposal will be removed from this webpage after consideration by PlanD.
- For recent rezoning proposals currently under consideration by PlanD, please click here.
- For any assistance, the proponent of a rezoning proposal may contact the relevant District Planning Office (DPO) (click here for DPO boundaries) by email or phone (click here for email addresses and telephone numbers).
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